Sunday, July 27, 2008

An Actual Wedding

Just when all this planning is threatening to consume our lives, it's nice to attend someone else's wedding. It reminds you that at some point all of these preacher visits, dress fittings, bow-tie-ordering phone calls and everything else will result in an actual wedding, where two people look really happy and everyone else cries because they're so happy the couple is happy. In this case, we took a trip up to Cape Cod to see Ben's old BrightHouse friend Matt get married in a lovely beachfront ceremony. 

At the airport, we made a last-minute decision to upgrade our rental car to a convertible Mini. Here, Eliza takes her turn. (The phrase "unsafe at any speed" comes to mind for some reason.)

The thing to eat in that part of the country is the lobster roll. Here we had a pretty good one.
But even better, dinner came with a free mug. Those New Englanders sure know how to treat an out-of-towner!

The mug fit snugly in the capacious trunk of our Mini.
Here we are just before the ceremony. Thanks to Eliza's mom for the blue tie she brought back from Italy. Those Italians sure know a thing or two about dressing sharp!
The happy couple, Matt and Steph.
Matt and Ben reminisce about the good old days. Ahh, simpler times.
We were very happy to catch up with a bunch of old Atlanta friends, including Amanda here, who apparently knew the lyrics to this particular number. Sing it Amanda! (That's Eliza down in the bottom left corner. You can't see it in this photo, but she was barefoot... Like a common hippie! And in such a classy place. Oh, the shame!)

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